Navrathri celebrations
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Do you know what would be the Real Reason behind Navrathri Celebrations !!

Do you know what would be the Real Reason behind Navrathri Celebrations :

As I mentioned in my earlier blogs, Navrathri is the festive season and it is one of the most important festivals celebrated with great joy, enthusiasm, and tradition in our Indian Culture. In this blog, we are going to uncover a few scientific and practical reasons behind Navrathri celebrations.

Navrathri is actually celebrated for 9 Nights and 10 Days worshipping the Female Cosmic Power, Mother Goddess who has won all the battles and had victory over all the evils. But speaking it more practically and ideologically, those evils are not the actual Asuras like Mahishasura. The real evils are Kaam (Lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (Greed), Moh (Attachment), Ahankar (Ego), Darr (Fear), Irsha (Jealousy),  Nafrat (Hatred), Paschatap (Guilty) and Jadta (Ignorance). These are the real evils that are present within ourselves. The whole purpose of our life is to let go of all these dark clouds from our mind. So, during Navrathri,  we need to take an oath to destroy each of these evils one by one on each of these 9 days, purify our mind and cultivate positive virtues. On the tenth day, we celebrate Vijaya Dasami. Vijaya means Win. So we celebrate our victory over all these negativity.

Another important custom that is followed during Navrathri is fasting. When we fast, our metabolism rate will increase to burn through the calories effectively. Moreover, it strengthens our immune system enhancing more healing power to our body. On a general note, fasting aids in weight loss much effectively than dieting 🙂